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I  n  s  p  i  r  e  d   t  o    D  e  s  i  g  n  :   F  a  s  h  i  o  n   F  u  n  d  r  a  i  s  e  r


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A collaboration with


The organization committed to the growth and development of the Delaware fashion and beauty industry.

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Ourn Mission

What We Do

The Mission

Delaware Fashion Alliance’s (DFA) primary mission is to be a unifying resource for fashion and beauty creatives, entrepreneurs, and business owners to help build a sustainable Delaware fashion and beauty industry. 

DFA provides support services stemming from 3 main categories


Cosmetic Brands

Hair Stylists


Apparel Brands



MakeUp Artists

Skincare Brands

Hair Care Brands

Who We Support


Content Creators

Wardrobe Stylists

Fashion Retailers


Send us your fashion or beauty events to be added to our calendar! Let us celebrate with you.

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Event Gallery

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